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Promote Mental Health at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving and Mental Health

With Thanksgiving and the holiday season just around the corner, some people look forward to upcoming family gatherings. However, others might be wary of Thanksgiving drama. While the holidays represent a time of coziness and coming together, they may also spark tension and conflict.

On top of arguments or the airing of old wounds, Thanksgiving gatherings can be a source of sadness for some people. This is particularly true for people who’ve lost loved ones or experienced difficult familial shifts, such as children in foster care. For many, Thanksgiving depression sets in. A time meant for togetherness can even become the loneliest holiday of the year.

The Importance of Gratitude

How can you promote mental health at Thanksgiving to foster a peaceful and comfortable environment? For a holiday all about giving thanks, gratitude sometimes falls by the wayside. Gratitude and mental health are connected, and thankfulness can boost happiness when times are tough. Studies show that giving thanks increases life satisfaction, boosts optimism, and strengthens relationships.

Embracing gratitude improves mental health, and you can take additional steps to mitigate Thanksgiving depression and drama.

Thanksgiving Tips for a Peaceful Holiday

When it comes to family get-togethers and sharing a meal, friction sometimes causes problems. To foster a healthy environment for Thanksgiving:

  • Establish boundaries, and encourage others to do the same.
  • Avoid triggers that spark conflict, and plan response strategies in case those topics come up.
  • Protect your mental health by taking quick breaks when needed, like going for a walk around the neighborhood.
  • Know which friends and family you can go to for support, and be supportive of others.
  • Plan games and activities to promote fun and reduce idle time.
  • Find what makes you happy, and help others find joy, too.

With love, respect, and grace, we can make the holidays a time of support and understanding. We encourage you to take care of your mental health at Thanksgiving, and we hope you get to enjoy all of your relationships and gatherings to their fullest.

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